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Thursday, November 19, 2015


It amazing how hard it can be to communicate in a world where we have so much technology and opportunities to use for communication. Something that I began to realize this past week is how hard it can be for a technological society to communicate. In class we discussed how texting can be a huge problem in terms of communication because we can only read the words that a person writes, while in communication face-to-face we can listen to the persons tone and also the non-verbal cues. This can make communication very challenging especially in a society where texting is where most conversations seem to take place. Every person has a different way of expressing themselves and the way that they choose to communicate. I think that a lot of times in relationships there are struggles within the relationship because one person expects the other person to change the way that they communicate. It is important to note those differences and to learn to work around them so that they can work in greater unity together despite their differences. 

I think that one of the great gift of life that sometime we don't look at as a gift is conflict. Conflict can help to provide better understanding and help us to create stronger bonds to our spouse or family. If we decide to let conflict be a positive in our life it will become a positive thing and try to learn from these different experiences. It really is up to us in the end whether we will take what we have learned and use it in a good way or turn it into a negative experience. I am grateful for different conflicts in my life because they have helped to strengthen different relationships in my life and I am better able to appreciate those relationships with those people now. 

I had an experience with a person that I was having a hard time with and one day the problem between the two of us was very clear to see. With this conflict we were able to talk about the issue and see what we could do to help the situation to make it more enjoyable for the both of us. At times we will have to compromise our own wants to maintain the happiness of another person. A lot of times I have come to see that the compromise that I thought was a huge compromise for me ended up being a bigger blessing and helped me to grow personally. From these instances we can learn and see how it has blessed our lives to realize that it was worth it in the end. 

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