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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Intimacy and Fidelity

This past week has been very opening to me and has helped me to see what I want to do in order to have complete fidelity between me and my future spouse. The main theme that kept hitting home for me was the fact that we need to establish very clear boundaries. If we have these boundaries we will be more aware of when we have stepped outside the boundaries and when we need to correct ourselves. I have been thinking a lot this week how our thoughts are so powerful and if we allow Satan into our minds and hearts he will try to slowly but surely lead us down the path of infidelity, which is a devastating path to follow.

In order for me to prepare myself better for marriage something that I decided to do to make sure that my mind stays focused and doesn't get bogged up with the things of the world was to delete specific apps on my phone to insure that I have things that will uplifts my thoughts and help me to be sure that I am doing things of value instead of wasting my time looking at my Facebook newsfeed. It was very liberating deleting some of those apps because I think that it is going to help me to focus more on the Lord, the person that I am dating and my school work. I am excited to see how it is going to help me because I think that it will end up being a blessing for me in the long run. I notice that it is so easy to get distracted with what other people are doing and compare yourself and your relationships. That is what Satan wants to happen, but God wants us to be ourselves and live life joyous and fully. I think this will help me to more capable of having joy because I will be genuinely happy with who I am and not worry about what others are doing.

Another thing this week that struck me was an article that we read on sex education in New York and how graphic it seemed to be. It terrified me honestly to think that some children are receiving such knowledge at school because that it something that I want to teach my future children in a very loving and sacred manner. There is a wonderful tool that the church has written to help parents educate their children, so they won't have to worry as much when their children hear different things at school.

This is a wonderful tool to help us to understand what we can do to help them understand their own sexuality. I want to teach this to my children and I want them to know that I am open and willing to talk to them about this topic, so that if they hear something at school they can know that I care enough to help them understand in a gospel way.

Fidelity is a huge struggle in the times that we live in now. I think one of the big things that she people fail to realize is that the relationships that we have with people of the opposite sex can create the biggest issues of infidelity. That is something that can be so easily avoided if the boundaries are placed first, so that the couple knows that they can't have those relationships with anyones besides their spouse. I think that something I never realized before this week that by talking to other people about your relationship struggles is crossing the boundaries set with your spouse. It makes so much sense because it isn't fair to your spouse that you are sharing your problems with others instead of going up lovingly to your spouse and talking to them about it. This week in class was amazing and I have been able to reevaluate some different things in my own life that I am planning on changing.

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